Slide background Emily and Cha
My sweet girls!
Slide background David and Emily
Our wonderful children
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A happy family.
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From our family to yours.

Hello and welcome to the Huangal family site.Here you will find information and updates on our latest events. We will continue working toward building a strong fundation for our childrens


We are are working on redesing this web site. New innovations will come with this wonderful site. Please, revise it and let us know your comments.


Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
–Albert Einstein

If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.
–Vincent Van Gogh

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Something to think

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
–Barack Obama

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Recent Activities

Early Morning

This is the best morning I have. I have a good breaksfast and realy make a difference on my day...

Gost Wisperer

Last night we wached some of the spooky shows where the gosts come to interact with real people. It happens, from time to time, my wife get scared and has hard time to sleep...


A veces me parece que todo es un sueno. Esto hace vencer cualquier dificultad, porque en los suenos, todo es posible...

Early Morning

Do you really need to complain about how hard is to write a piece of code line. I don't think this is the mayor issue here, I think the lock of knoledge how to accomplish, is something that needs to be in cosideration...

Welcome To Huangals Page

The huangal are preparing to depart to long trip

  • David will be visiting South Korea.
  • Emily is preparing her bag for Florida.
  • Charito is planning to visit New York.
  • Henry is going with all of them.

Remember when you go into the world to keep your eyes open, be kind, love one another, take care of each other, tell the truth, always do your best, listen to the big people and the little people, explore new path and have fun. Know that you are loved like crazy, give thanks for all your blessings. Above all else, love and you will do wonderful things in this world.

My wife posted this beatiful thought from somewhere ...

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